Coco Go	aka	 SuperSkyWoman	

My 2007 Permaculture Vision Statement for TIKYSK: Things I Know You Should Know, (1994-present) to become Things We Should Know We Should Know TWKWSK, probing the genius of the community...

My vision is a small footprint, enjoyed yield on well used small acreage I chose for local Living-in-place where my autonomy on edge of town is convenient and essential for leg power, energy conservation location, and can set an example for enjoying the future self-sustenance process of Permacultural living.

My vision is to have an outdoor-indoor home-hub in which I can continue into my old age to make living land art, and to use as a fusion of vibrant avant-garde outdoor-indoor museum/studio/ Small Press/ papermaking/music-making salon/ for transformation of lives into art-based Permacultural living.

My vision is to transform as much by myself and help of friends within this 1/8th acre hill up to west composed of red sandstone, with misplaced shared utility lines under my home and manufactured problematic drainage from house behind + years of imported fill deposited in terraced layers built against open space behind me, and forced into a town built driveway easement of corrugated concrete dominating more than 20% of my land on south side. 

My vision is to make a shangrila of Permaculture integration, water training from roof gardens & hilltop, urns and water shatterers, top down to inter-relate solar, wind and plant energy, terraces and paths, from gabions rehabilitating plantings, to make my home a lush edible artistically designed sculpture-filled gardenscape that attracts the natural world of bees, butterflies, beneficial insects, birds (including hummingbirds), with a spiral demonstration garden, a maze, a sundial at the entrance of my home, a food/edible flower garden in back, 2 small greenhouses to South-front and west side, one to grow out of season fruit and papermaking trees; and one for growing year round food with a Watson’s Wick under it on the high side. 

My vision is to make intimate curved paths designed to enjoy every square inch of miracles making this a place of high yield abundance I can rely on to take care of itself and me year round and will minimize my footprint on the earth.

I wish to solve the absorption of street traffic exhausts by weaving among town owned planted trees and bushes with researched living materials, planting flowers/shrubs that filter out contaminants without blocking views from my terraces and home of life going by, (can be a GU OP.)

My vision is to acknowledge use of observation, muscle-time, preparations & experimentation to carry out Permaculture principles for my life systems and work ethic  (sheetmulch, gabions).

My vision is to integrate art surprises, to learn from mistakes, to enjoy every working and resting moment in timelessness, living with Art from Nature.

My vision is to extend to others how to live with the roles of flux, adaptation, season, dissolution, feeding, storing, recycling, and re-design that all the Nature beings teach me.

My vision is to document and share for the future of education in whatever way behooves the moment and the gesture.

My Vision is to make into art this never-ending re-birth to re-birth process in whatever way behooves the moment and the gesture, grow inoculum, mushrooms, worms, & year round food.

I wish to exemplify observing letting time go as creative invention/play that can be enjoyed here.

I wish to keep the hometown homegrowing Love open, ongoing yet mutable, satisfying the honoring of my grandmother Emma’s non-violent beautiful behavior when faced with aggression.

My Vision statement for my town Lyons CO:

My vision is to Keep and add to the best characteristics of our town by: 
Making Lyons a model Locally Active Sustainable Town (LAST) (can use for GU OP) 
(a Model) that is strong enough to outlast any attrition, catastrophe, oil collapse, greenhouse effect, or overtake by privatization, multi-national corporation, energy powers or government. 
Commitment to achieve and foster the quality of life we want in Lyons for people of all income levels without exclusions. 
3. Visioning the future quality of Green healthy life we collectively want in Lyons
Calmed through streets, rain gardens with curb cuts & redirected drainage 
Good local food, permaculture the Community Garden, living fence, redo paths 
Healthy locally filtered potable water 
Recycled gray water with Permaculture proven technologies such as Watson’s Wick, aquaponics, solar, living hyperwetlands wastewater treatment, constructed wetlands, greenhouse filtering, that each resident and business owner can accomplish to take the load off the town’s coffers and save the town from spending on megamachines to clean up contaminated water from runoff and drains.
e. Drainage that follows Permaculture skilled technology, and uses multiple functions in its course of outflow and intraflow movement.
f. Social neighborly occasions built into street and mixed zone live/work re-design, calming schemes including kiosks, corner cob pizza ovens, planting, street intersection painting of mandalas, community gardens, bicycle stops, parking, changing fun walking maps through town introducing the town’s resources such as the confluence of two rivers and many walking edges and ecotones of the town.
Renewable energy projects on all scales for residents, businesses and the town, nesting the town’s functions, providing for catastrophe (Transition’s EDAP tailored for Lyons).
Focus on all enjoying the town by having the flow of cars stop for planned attraction, in increments down to 0 mph as a calming spin-off on way to go through town & enable walk-abouts.
Provide specific calendars for visitor and locally regenerated activity based on what is happening or could happen in Lyons.
j Be in the forefront of Sustainable living, open a Lyons Office Of Permaculture Sustainability (OOPS) by staffing a volunteer roving Permaculture certified practitioner to operate from a simple desk in mutually determined roving town locations, creating empowering experiences via hands on workshops that move throughout the town, businesses, parks, Chamber of Commerce, teaching the Town employees to teach basics of life systems design leading to knowing how to design ones own ideas for Town improvements, including low cost use of Charrettes.
k. Teach & use the consensus facilitation process to replace insensitive modes of convening in groups.
l. Keep Lyons’ wealth in the community. Increase the ability of each town resident and business owner to collaborate in making Lyons locally sustainable including initiation of a local money system & Reinhabitation,.
m. Put Lyons on the Ecotown map. A parallel to ecotones which occur at the richly working combined edge of two ecosystems we live with: Lyons’ ecotown ecotones recognized and mapped.

Specifications+   Home base             Way to Go 1      Way to Go 2       Way to Go 3

‘Da Turtle Way     Immigrantness-Rant    Turtle-Home Movie     Fibonacci-thoughts     Supports        Photos


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7-Year2 #1-LIPD     7-Year2 #1-LIPD Links         8-Year2 #2       

Links WW 8&9 Year2 #2 & #3       9-Year2 #3 Regenerative Healing

Right Brain 10-Year2 #4 Art in earth        Left Brain 10-Year2 #4 eARTh

Links 10-Year2 #4        11-Year2 #5        Nicole’s Elf reWrite 11-Year2 #5  

Abandoned 11-Year2 #5        12 LR Mahara     12LR i-web