Aug 14th 1st Elf visit 1 hour- photos, no video, no notes
Sept 4th 2nd Elf visit 2 hours- shot video, & notes
Sept 10th 3rd Elf visit 2 hours- notes
2nd visit:
Noted by Elf Loretta (LM): I show her my map of brain interactions process where the bomb/bowling ball appears to break & reconstruct with directional connections.
LM comments on my mindmaps of RT & LFT brains, “It’s all my own feeling throughout, yet am making assumptions that my left brain functions at same level as the corporate structure. (am I rejecting the adversary, being the other?)
Organization & power reminds me spiral dynamics is blue, corporate authority,
Structures, organizational codes & principles, the Psychology of DNA, people in 2 lines
1.My internal experience, How do I make it change
2.Need for Truth statement what is my own left brain like?
3.Am feeling my way through this, so we are in uncharted territory
4.Right brain came into effect to create dream sequence of threading the needle for automated sewing, challenge to bring up the bottom thread, hole was at the wrong end of the needle
5.She notes my assumption of symmetry, is it to need balance of rt & left brain?
6.If asymmetry, find comfort in not being equal?
7.Anatomy way, intuitive belief system, work system, asymmetry, together
8.Evidence of asymmetry: work on wall together in group, one earing worn or two different on each ear makes being wired differently, the two brains manifest structure, process & end product, & different distances are measurable. Suggestion to put link into my mindmap description to an external page.
2nd mindmap explained by Coco: one side of brain, Right Brain is polyculture-3-D resilient-to-combined elements garden, a thing NOUN reiterates reinforcement, the other monoculture process is different, leads to process to outcome to manifestation, wiring is a verb, keeps an ample picture by changing process is way to manifestation, when brakes are on or in motion, my process is in constant motion. Left Brain is analysis, is reductive, keeps reducing till plugged into elements.
Structure: Analysis leads to fractals as solution for science not being able to figure out Nature. Deals with man-made geometry, seeks the repetitive pattern & what functions it can iterate, multiply.
Suggested I redo the mindmaps from point of view of brains being mine not trying to be the ones am trying to communicate with. SSW goes into both modes- listening & then taking action.