Water speaks

Make a Water Currency!

These interviews of water are played out as 2-person plays, calling one or both

characters from audience: water gives the answers A, and SSW, the interlocuter asks

the Questions, Q. You are invited to have fun with this performance format...

34th query March 20th 2008 

A. Waters: we need our currency, yyeeee currency,

y’alll currency, bubbles are speaking, all waters speak in unison.

Q. Now?

A. Right now Subito!

Q. To the cypress presiding: Do you agree?

A. If you don’t want to lose time, Yes!

Q. What time would that be?

  1. A.Perhaps a day from now, or a month, or a year,

but surely the time has passed!

35th query same day going from Murano to Burano

  1. Q.to the Alpine forests at right, Venice to the left, Hey you up there,

on the white tops, what do you hear about “water” currency?

A.— speaking in dialect, (they are cutting their words short)

We are with you—we see far, we see the red tide, a sign—the plastic

cemetery is hidden, reuniting, at the ready, but only for themselves

and their memory—

Q. And the currency?

interlude from passengers’ dialect: non tutti la fesa, squizi, fumia, spiega, passa,

stupia, zea gara, sinche magna a ca, ze chi che fatte, capi, presta, ubria, sconvo,

me vergona… (not all did it, delicious, smoking, explaining, passed by, stumped,

since they eat at home, you who do this, understand?, lending, drunk, distraught,

I’m ashamed…) they get off at Massorbo, Burano.

A. If water currency is done, it would be good for the snow.

Q. tell me More?

  1. A.Good for the watershed loss above and gain below which that snow will


Q. & More?

  1. A.You will learn that if official money hyperinflates its growth disappears,

proving the paragon to a ball of melting snow in our hands…

Q. A lesson then?

A. We’ll practice the power of valuations…

Q. The way the gnocco dissolves when it’s boiled too long?

If you don’t depend on interest growth from money then you get a double-edged

sword: you won’t pay, but you won’t earn?

  1. A.Yes, if you learn to figure how to make do on your own, you won’t need to pay

nor to earn.

Q. Like you, Water?

A. Right on!

24th query March 11, 2008: Equilibrium with Nature

FROM RIALTO  (after getting Bronzino from the sea not farm raised, tahini…)


Q. what do you think of fish from the sea, are they healthy (edible)?

A. Hmm… that depends

Q. On what?

A. On habits.

Q. The fish or ours?

A. Both

Q. So Tell me!

A. Because we are too intertwined

Q. Too much…

A. Yes—Before Man we had arrived at our own equilibrium with Nature

Q. And for Nature?

  1. A.It was of course a tribulation but always had its own homeostasis,

only rigorous in adjustments after shocks.

Q. Well, according to you when did we humans go wrong?

  1. A.When human beings lived beyond their footprint and began to take away

more of our needed equivalence than they gave back in exchange

Q. How did they give you their equivalence?

A. Many ways, and you know them perfectly, “My Love”!

  1. Q.True, but I wanted to hear it from you.

  2. A.AAhhhhhhhh! You are listening to me, Great then—It’s the story of Cyclops,

of prophecy, of the alien, of all that is over the top, of waste, of exploitation,

of start-up tech inventions without knowing how to recover their wastes,

without knowing enough where they end up, how not to do these technologies,

how not to have so many fabricated needs promoted by the brain—Well,

I’d say the living body began creating the want for more, greed and envy just

for convenience, from the brain…

Q. Convenience!, then the “Cowardice of Convenience”?

A. In one sense yes—and then some!

Q. What else?

A. OK, since those who practiced the first agriculture had no sense of the result, where it would all end up, that enhanced yield was ruinous, no human has taken this sense of end result to the place of establishing healthy life systems for us all. They constructed life systems for humans that war with ours.

Q. We the beast of drinking and eating?

A. More. Who have diminished our joy of life,

Q. Ah Yes, Your joy is always mine.

A. We agree then, we’re on the same page?

Q. More than you know!

A. Good, we can sing in then: to the broom,

to the vacuum cleaner, to the Zap, to the pluck, Poom Pam.

To the riddle, to the puppets, to you who duel using thoughts-are-vibrations,

to the ready! Forward we go…

Q. We can’t go backwards?

A. Hey what are you saying?

  1. Q.I tried walking backwards on all fours to test how to change my being,

and I succeeded in remaining very attentive to habits…

A. Whose, yours or the animals?

  1. Q.Both. For a long time I’ve felt part of Nature, as when I came down from

the sky like rain,  however after my test walking backwards with the red mud

all over me I felt more the arrows of movement itself, slow, fast, low to the

ground, camouflage…Now they talk to me, my friends: tree, moss, water,

fish from afar and here in Venice: fog, albatross, even plastic talks to me…

  1. A.Well then, to spirit, to the Branzino of the sea (not farm raised in stinky

surround), to the sand, to memory, to wind, high water, moonwater, to the

sucking out, to the splash, lap, screeoooo, to the dark nights below, to the

transparent creatures in the grottos, to inflorescences at the bottom, to the

humans like you as you are, like youuuuuuuuuuuuu….like youuuuuuuuuuu…


Q. Ciao!

22nd query Feb 26/ 2008  Giracitta’ from Ghetto & Rizzo, asking water

Q. To the waters past Riva Basio:

Buona sera—What do you hear from the mountain springs? Are they still doing well?)

A. Mma! Even if so, how many find one? There are so few near people, and -quando quando quando they end up in our waters and they have finished doing their clean-up, you know that it is wrong, this waste of spring water—drink them, but clean with them, No. Yet we wait for them without shame.

Q. Why shame?

A. Shame human beings have chosen water systems that waste good water on pavements, roads, this type of use…

Q. Yes, Permaculture says to filter all used water back to potable, make it extend into more uses. And human waste should be dry treatment, compost toilets will do.

  1. A.You know well then, that’s right! And springs must be defended according to my view.

You can help in your village—make good examples—er, That is, Good work then!

Q. I know, will do it in Lyons Colorado. I must find where spring factors are, as it is very dry there—Ciao!

A. To good work then, Ciao!

Water tells me
it’s all connected water treatment, water currency, exchange value,  how we treat what and who and why...      o         yes..

What people throw into the sea...

Sculptures made from beach wood...

Gull resting to greet me...

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