Action Learning / Unlearning

Stop swearing, Don’t be disappointed,

Learn Contracts, FP Business Plan,

Bargains with both Learning & Unlearning.

Do SWOT, OBREDIM, SADI, & DBOM* to gauge effectiveness, Practice Consensus Facilitation, Create my Bibliography: Donella Meadows, Paul Hawkens, choir of others,

Make Use of Future Developed Tools:


  1. 1. Not take so long, Be concise

  2. 2. Break Shyness, authority blocs (Lose the power over that creates timidness)

  3. 3. Unlearn doing all processes myself,  learn to delegate, train elves & successors


  1. 1.Bridge new methods with old

  2. 2.Develop readable workable metrics

  3. 3.Body games for teaching Permaculture

  4. 4.Conundrum: I want to self-sustain, therefore do all for myself

  5. 5.Go out of what I know

  6. 6.Love and more Love in action


Learning/ Unlearning
megaphone touch
Keep out? take in

What I want to get out of Learning:

Fun walking backwards, (performance, & real exercise), good community, leading charrettes, be a mentor & teach successors now so I can stop, upgrade to whole-system home & land design, less use of $, make my water currency, do Commons placemaking with others, enjoy where I live & export the model, a safer world for my heirs.

Learning / Unlearning poem written at orientation

Gunter Pauli’s Truly Renewables

*SWOT= (Strengths Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats); OBREDIM= (Observation, Boundaries, Evaluation, Design, Implementation, Maintenance)

SADI= (Survey, Analysis, Design, Implementation)

DBOM=(Design Build, Operate & Maintain)

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Links WW 8&9 Year2 #2 & #3       9-Year2 #3 Regenerative Healing

Right Brain 10-Year2 #4 Art in earth        Left Brain 10-Year2 #4 eARTh

Links 10-Year2 #4        11-Year2 #5        Nicole’s Elf reWrite 11-Year2 #5  

Abandoned 11-Year2 #5        12 LR Mahara    12LR i-web