Regenerative Earth
Regenerative Earth
Has Economics Outrun Itself?
Ending economics in the age of thermodynamics laws would be wise. Anyone can feel the pain & disruption of mismatched times/ethics & times/applicability. The educational system of an economy is vastly impoverished from that of an ecology.
Since the human evolution has just begun in geological time we can see how distorted the building block it depends on has changed its basic nature, chromosomes, DNA, spliced to predominate by obfuscating its original forms, fish tomato float belly up deceiving the onlooker seeing a tightly packed efficient-stack carton of square uniform tomatoes whose taste bears no resemblance to a tomato. The notion of divvying up, selecting, injecting for utilitarian efficiency fools until resistance sets in & economy is exposed for what it cannot be, we can’t even have fun with such tragedy.
An economy is described as a system of a country or other area, labor, capital and land resources, manufacturing, trade, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, a spatially limited and social network where goods and services are exchanged according to demand and supply between participants by barter or medium of exchange with credit or debit value accepted within its network & an end result process that involves its technological evolution, history and social organization, as well as its geography, natural resource endowment, and ecology as main factors.
I propose we tip that monster over and feed the ecology-tail to the mouth, starting with: an economy fails to be a system of any place of meaningful employment or right livelihood, extorting its own resources as hijacked value to serve the few, where manufacturing, reduced from war boom & bust ineptness manipulates demand & supplies by paying out subsidies, pork & inflated income tipping it out as unable to know true demand. It makes its own markets at the expense of worldwide commons & self-sustenance while creating hunger, poverty disease and scarcity with its monoculture mega-cheek turned away from sustaining family roots in its his/herstory life of place. Though handwork is also technology, economics confounds technology into a small ring of investment squandering, unlike Gaia feeding from its volcanic ring of fire that ecology represents.
You don’t have to be led by descriptions of Art to know that Art speaks volumes when held up to view.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012