Reflecting on Regenerative Art Actions


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Right Brain 10-Year2 #4 Art in earth        Left Brain 10-Year2 #4 eARTh

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Abandoned 11-Year2 #5 Appendix       12 LR Mahara     12LR i-web

318 Words   4  Images

...As SuperSkyWoman 1999 Venice Biennale

In this Perm-for-Perm exchange, senses & touch open up regeneration in the client, a consequence of massaging hair & head. Secrets of shape are shared, creating watchful, thoughtful art.

How Have My Core Values been Honored & Balanced in OP 10?

1.Health, work, mentorship, research and play, show love! √ self care, on call to others

2.Practice  SuperSkyWoman’s attributes √ hovering equanimity listening

3.Create win win win integrative successes, for community & earth √ carry out Earth Whisper directives, go with feeling not emotions

4.See with permaculture keyline vision √ foolproof

  1. 6.Value and reward timeless indigenous wisdoms √ Shannon’s specialist advice,

    visibly circular not linear

7.Value needs of opponents √ acted on

8.Value both brains’ abilities for creativity & deep connectivity √ OP 10 continues the 2 brain exchange

9.Use greater mycelial Earth power to re-inhabit Megamachine power ¥ Art does it

10. Ask nature questions to open up dialog, how I operate via the 3 elements EER (evolution epiphany revolution) √ learning journal mindmaps

Reminds Me of My Let’s Perm Event

In my Art Within eARTh practice, I introduce main areas: 1. Art representing evidence of protest & ecosocial concern  2. UNuseful Art that’s non-Commercial & high on Discourse  3. Art-leading platforms & collaboration that put energy into Regenerating the Commons 4. Art as old technology 5. Art outside-inside 6. eARTh takes on the Commons. I Ask Shannon, How many miles is it to TEK LOVE from TECH WONDER? SuperSkyWoman receives permission to tell my local Indigenous story.

I continue UN/learning, retrieving Traditional Indigenous Environmental Knowledge (TEK) by querying first beings inhabiting Gaia eARTh, our Indigenous EcoSapiens & Nature beings. Roberto Cascone categorizes the importance of UNuseful Art for him is not style (method) but healing (evidence).

I choose to UNeARTh longstanding his/herstory from our indigenous being. My interview of Hopi Dine’ Shannon Francis is a needle-in-haystack volume of thought, shared to UNlearn present genocide.

I found many proactive synergistic ‘Art in eARTh’ venues.