It’s Alive!

Art within earth

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Right Brain 10-Year2 #4 Art in earth        Left Brain 10-Year2 #4 eARTh

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343 Words    15 Images

ANNOUNCING: ART within Earth has its place as Live/Art (Linda Montano & others) Love/Art (Coco Go & others) Fluxus (Alison Knowles & Others), Happenings (Alan Kaprow & others), Intermedia (Dick Higgins & others), Lettrisme (Isidor Isou, Jean Paul Curtay & others), Concrete Poetry (Jean-Francois Bory & others), Jazz Poetry (Kenneth Patchen & others), DaDa (Kurt Schwitters, Tristan Tara & Others), Futurist Art (Marinetti & others, Being Art (Marcel Duchamp, Andy Warhol & others), Performance Art (Joseph Beuys, Marina Abramovic & others), Body Art (Carolee Schneeman & others), Correspondence Art (Ray Johnson & others), Environmental Art (Regina Vater & others), Land Art (Agnes Denes & others), Earthworks Art (Robert Smithson & others) Maintenance Art (Mierles Ukeles & others), Life Systems Art (Betsy Damon & others), Book Art (Congelo & others),  Image Music Scores (John Cage, Philip Corner & others) I bring you that little word with vast life consequences, ART so central to eARTh.

If anything regenerates better than promised, it is artists’ works that fill the spirit of their allegiances, all Alive, all same tense past present future, time-traveled, once out there in the atmosphere, in black or light universes, niches forever retrievable while moving out to further distances from each other. In my memory a table is set on the grass. It’s a meal on a 1969 zeroing-in-on-the-void painting in positive expression, merging art with earth.

In my memory frames, hold phrases in two of four corners with 1967 messages to the trees: Hoax Ho-Ax Ho-Ax computer chop the sculptures of the mind The Brain is Tapped Direct, it’s prophetic  regeneration Art after a life of 01010101010 culture. We inter-pollinate without knowing yet knowing, in a sensory way, to get Earth-Life energy via origins of Universes Alive in we the canaries, lifting messages from deep down under, which is up under & every direction at once. A fertile place to be, a nurturing place to remain. Welcome to my place. Here’s a clue to find: Earth Whispering. Welcome to your place. Clue, Evolutionary Economics.

             Bioregionally Yours, SuperSkWoman.

Earth Art   
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